How To Nurture Your Email List for Your Next Launch

It’s Important to Email Your List In Between Launches.

I cannot tell you how many interviews I have had where people want to hire me as an email launch copywriter, but they only have 2000 followers and they can’t remember the last time they emailed them.

Or...They have an awesome email list that they only email when they are launching.

If you get nothing else from this blog, please get this: nourish your subscribers!!!!

After all, they signed up because they want to hear from you.

So…What is Email List Nurturing?

Great question. 

Email list nurturing is all about building a strong friendship with your subscribers. 

It's all about staying in touch, providing value, and showing you care even when you're not trying to sell something. 

Think of it as the foundation of a solid relationship that keeps your people engaged and loyal.

Difference Between Nurturing Emails and Promotional Emails

  • Nurturing Emails: Focus on adding value and building relationships. They might include tips, insights, or behind-the-scenes looks at your business.

  • Promotional Emails: Aim to drive sales. They highlight your course, offer discounts, and include strong calls to action to prompt immediate purchases.

Nurturing emails are crucial for several reasons:

Builds Trust: When you regularly provide valuable content, your audience learns to trust you.

Prepares for Future Sales: A nurtured audience is more likely to convert when you launch a new product because they already know and trust you. They are primed for an easy yes!

Reduces Unsubscribes: Consistent, relevant communication keeps subscribers from forgetting who you are and hitting that unsubscribe button.

In short, email list nurturing is about keeping the conversation going with your audience, 

so when it’s time to sell, they’re ready to listen. 

By understanding and implementing this strategy, you can create a more engaged and loyal subscriber base, leading to better long-term results for your business.

And…We all have those people in our lives who only reach out when they want something. Don’t be that person!!!

The Top Benefits of Regularly Emailing Your Subscribers (Besides the fact that Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases!)

Consistent email communication is key to building a strong relationship with your subscribers. It’s not just about staying in touch; it’s about keeping your audience engaged, fostering brand loyalty, and driving higher conversion rates. 

Increased Engagement

Regular emails keep your brand at the forefront of your subscribers' minds. In other words, when you provide valuable content consistently, your audience is more likely to open and interact with your emails. 

And…You can get up to a 38% higher open rate when you maintain consistent communication with your subscribers​. 


Emails Increase Brand Loyalty

When your subscribers see that you’re committed to providing them with valuable content, they start to see you as a reliable resource. 

This loyalty translates into long-term customer relationships. A report by McKinsey & Company found that personalized and consistent communication can boost customer loyalty by up to 30%​.


Higher Conversion Rates

Regularly emailing your subscribers with relevant content keeps them engaged AND primes them for future purchases.

Nurtured leads—those who receive consistent, valuable communication—make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads.​


By regularly emailing your subscribers, you’re doing more than just keeping in touch—you’re building a foundation of engagement, loyalty, and increased sales. 

Remember…If they don’t hear from you, they will forget you. 

This means that when you are ready to launch, you are working with cold leads (my worst nightmare). 

A reminder…You have things to offer in between launches! 

✔️Like the book you wrote. 

✔️Access to one of your freebies.

✔️Or the supplements you love (hello, affiliates!). 

✔️Or awesome travel tips for those women you just taught to work from their computer.

See where I am heading with that? Give your people what they want: all the awesome stuff you have to offer.

And…by building trust over time, saying yes when you launch next will be a no-brainer.

What Emails Do I Send When I’m Not Launching?

One of my biggest recommendations is to treat your list like you would your significant other.

  • know what they want, 

  • when they want it, 

  • and why they want it! 

This means taking the time to analyze the emails you have already sent. 

Which ones did they open? 

Which ones were ignored? 

Did any cause an avalanche of unsubscribes? 

All of this info helps you learn what your peeps are looking for, and just as important, what they aren’t.

Use these emails as an opportunity for them to get to know you as well as you getting to know them.

Consider using a template. I like it because it keeps me from wandering aimlessly, streamlines my process, and helps my folks know what to expect. Here are some ideas:

  • Intro. What you are working on that week, and a fun fact about you or your company.

  • Where you have been featured that week. Podcasts, interviews, etc.

  • Add value. This part can point to a blog post, an article you found helpful, or a tip that is related to what you do. For example, if you are a mindfulness coach, add your mindfulness tip of the week. Have a podcast? Announce it, and build some intrigue!

  • Brag a little! Add in weekly wins or a favorite customer testimonial (something you will have oodles of when I am done interviewing your clients for your sales page!).

  • Introduce other like-minded coaches. Building community is key in the online industry!

Another pro-tip: recycle your content. That weekly blog? Turn it into your newsletter.

Those Instagram posts? Use the subject as your email muse.

Keep It Simple Stupid is my motto for a reason.

Won’t people get sick of getting emails from me?

Ah, the myth of email fatigue.

According to HubSpot, most marketers send 2-3 emails per day, with 12% sending a weekly email.  


So if you are worried about sending too many emails, let it go! 

I personally encourage 1 email/newsletter a week when you aren’t promoting. 

And…I highly encourage emails surrounding your lead magnets (of course you are running those year-round!).

Remember…your people signed up because they want to hear from you.

Nurturing your email list between launches is not just a good idea—it's essential for maintaining an engaged and loyal audience. 

By regularly emailing your subscribers, you’re keeping your brand top-of-mind, building trust, and setting the stage for successful future launches. 

So when the time comes, you'll have a warm, engaged audience ready to support you. 

Nourish your subscribers, and they’ll not only remember you, but they'll also be eager to hear what you have to say next. 

Happy emailing!


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